Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Widgets and battery consumption on the N900

For today I'll try to disable the Facebook- and Mauku(Twitter)homescreen widgets and see if it has any impact on the battery consumption.

Yesterday the handset needed to be charged around noon as it was running pretty low.

During the day I had been connected with the afore mentioned widgets, done a small amount of surfing and uploaded a post via maStory - all using the 3g connection.

Lets see for today. I'm still connected to MSN, Gtalk and Skype through the Conversation app as I were yesterday, and I'm also doing a blogpost the same way.


My test of battery consumption on a normal day didn't really work out, as the day didn't turn out as expected.

I'll keep trying to find out if the widgets on the homescreen makes a difference in the future.

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